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发布时间:2023-11-13 17:03:20  来源:铂之爵主持学院  作者:铂之爵主诗 查看:



6月1日上午,2023年度厦门市“新时代好孩子”评选暨学习推广活动由市文明办、市教育局、市团委、市妇联、市相关工作委员会在厦门双石中学镇海校区召开。 公布20名优秀青年先进事迹。

自3月份开展“新时代好孩子”活动以来,经过严格把关、层层推荐、精心挑选,魏家喜等20名同学荣获2023年厦门市“新时代好孩子”称号筛选、组委会研究、公告。 他们在孝爱亲人、乐于助人、勤奋好学、热心公益、自力更生、科技创新等方面表现突出。 他们诠释了社会主义核心价值体系,展现了青少年良好精神面貌。 他们是我市新时代青年的典型代表。 代表们是广大未成年人学习的榜样。






他品学兼优,多才多艺。 每学期都获得学校“勤奋奖”,还担任宣传部部长。 在校外,他也是一名小布道者,经常在各种志愿者讲解活动中尽心尽力地弘扬中华优秀传统文化。

魏家喜在厦门长大,对海洋文化有着浓厚的兴趣。 2018年,经过多轮筛选,他被聘为“厦门-港港海洋文化展示馆”一日馆长,以志愿者的身份负责展厅内的讲解工作。 他在家反复练习,把厚厚的讲义背了下来。 三年来,他戴上“志愿者讲解员”红丝带,讲述闽南“送王船”传统习俗的前世今生。 他还经常参加其他文化景点的义务讲解工作,荣获厦门红色文化讲解员少儿团市级“十佳”、“新时代好孩子,强国有我”全省一等奖”主题教育演讲比赛获教育部相关工作委员会奖等荣誉。

出生于红色家庭的魏家喜也是红色文化的传播者。 多次游览厦门神山、嘉庚纪念馆、古田会议旧址等,撰写多篇优秀文章,收录于《新时代好青年:国强有我》文集。 荣获省市级一等奖,征文比赛荣获市级一等奖《不忘红色初心,牢记传承使命——我心目中的厦门红》等,用深情的笔墨歌颂对党、对祖国的热爱。






4岁时,范辰欣拜台湾南音名师林素梅为师。 5岁参加社区南音振兴“欧厝南音泥塑项目”,7岁加入学校南音班。 南音作为一门古老的艺术,学习南音是困难的。 她读巩义谱古乐,唱闽南古方言,弹奏唐宋遗留下来的古乐器。 ”,刻苦学习,刻苦练习,熟悉了南音的演奏和演唱。

6岁时,她与国际音乐大师、奥地利指挥家王晋同台演奏南音名曲。 7岁时,她录制的南音唱片被收入中国音乐学院图书馆“中国传统音乐资源库”。 2022年,她参与“十三五”国家重点出版物计划和国家出版基金资助项目《世界非物质文化遗产南音百课》打击乐器演示视频,成为第一位参与的最年轻的传承人国家南音录音工程。

她积极推广南音,在“童心向党”全国宣教活动和经典朗诵《我们的节日春节》网络表演中演唱《南音颂党恩》。 去年,她参加了中华全国侨联主办的“家乐中国——为你讲故事——厦门思明特色文化寻根网上夏令营”,向153名海外华人青少年示范南音,让更多人了解南音。感受南音的魅力。





在中国共产主义青年团厦门第十九次代表大会上,陈逸轩作为学生代表之一出席会议。 这个高光时刻的背后,是她不懈的努力。 从踏入校园的那一刻起,她就在各方面严格要求自己,朝着“新时代好青年”的目标迈进。

陈以轩被同学称为“六角战士”:她勤奋学习、勤于思考,成绩始终名列年级前茅。 连续多年被评为学校“十佳明星”、课程尖子生之一,并被评为学校三好学生; 她有很多爱好,曾参加过学校篮球队和排球队。 她曾多次担任学校大型活动的主持人。 曾获得2021-2022全国青少年电子信息智能创新大赛“无人机主题赛”二等奖。 福建省国学经典诵读大赛一等奖、全国大赛二等奖、第十八届厦门市少儿科技创作绘画设计大赛优秀奖、2020年第三届厦门市中小学创客大赛“动画创客计划”一等奖等;她是老师的得力助手,担任班长、学校团委和学生会副主席及组织部部长等职务,设置为同学们树立榜样。

优异的学习成绩并不是她唯一的标签。 她活泼开朗,有强烈的社会责任感。 她经常参加各种公益活动,比如加入鼓浪屿志愿者队伍,为游客答疑解惑; 疫情防控需要志愿者。 她和父母去社区帮忙维持秩序、测量体温; 主动为家庭有困难的孩子结对,在学习、生活等方面给予关心和帮助。




叶律伟是学校里有名的“科技小能手”。 他善于收集每天观察到的问题,用发明和创新编程来解决问题,用创造力为生活做出贡献。

有一次,他和家人外出就餐时,发现长长的餐桌不方便取菜和外卖。 他想到了家里的圆桌和转盘。 如果我们在长餐桌上也放一个转盘怎么样? 叶律伟向导师传达了自己的想法。 得到肯定后,他开始查阅相关资料,开始进一步的研究、设计和生产。 他不断绘制、完善图纸、制作样品,最终完成了作品《圆桌长桌两用转盘》。 该项目荣获第36届厦门市青少年科技创新大赛一等奖,推荐参加省级大赛并荣获省一等奖,并申请了专利。

2022年5月10日,厦门举行“防空警报日”防空演练。 叶律伟发现,学校教室门在室内打开,疏散时很容易有人挤到门口,导致门很难顺利打开。 经过不断改进和完善,他发明了可伸缩紧急疏散教室门。 该项目荣获第38届厦门市青少年科技创新大赛一等奖。





她热爱集体,热爱学习,热爱生活。 她是一名德、智、体、艺术、劳动技能全面发展的学生。 多次获得的荣誉并没有让她沾沾自喜,反而激励她不断进步。

林育贤现任蔡林学校学生会志愿者部主任、主持部委员、班长。 作为学生干部,她多次主持学校活动,工作耐心、细心、负责。 在学习期间,她态度端正,求知欲旺盛。 她会尽全力克服学习中遇到的困难,取得优异的成绩。 除了学业之外厦门少儿主持人培训,她还积极参加各种比赛。 多才多艺的表演为她赢得了全国青少年语言艺术汇演小学乙组凤凰星银奖、福建省教育系统工委颁发的“新时代好青春”演讲优秀奖、集美区十佳“新时代好孩子”、2021-2022年度福建省四星级“红领巾奖章”等多项荣誉。

无论是校内还是校外,你都可以看到她辛勤的背影:她自发组织“为孤独老人送温暖”活动,号召同学为贫困老人送牛奶; 假期里,在社区的各个角落,经常可以看到她爱护环境、捡拾垃圾的身影。 在家里,她主动帮父母做家务……她踏实、勤劳、善良、孝顺。 她始终相信,只要人人献出一点爱,世界就会变得更加美好。




疫情防控严格期间,在翔安区内厝镇塘塘社区核酸检测采样点,经常可以看到这样的场景:一个体弱多病的小女孩,穿着隔离服,戴着口罩,带着面罩,跟着妈妈去摆桌子。 当居民陆续进入会场时,都能听到她用稚嫩的声音不断提醒:“爷爷奶奶、叔叔阿姨,请打开健康码,戴上口罩,保持一米距离”——这我就是黄凌涵,一位热心公益的小志愿者。

黄令涵的家庭是厦门文明家庭,热心公益事业的父母都是她学习的榜样。 从小,在父母的影响下,她积极参加各种慈善活动,努力做一个关心他人、乐于奉献的好孩子。 2021年寒假期间,她用一年多积攒的零用钱购买了口罩、酒等,分发给社区的老人; 今年春节,她用零用钱购买了米、面、粮、油等生活用品,分发给村里70多岁的老人。 长老。 在班上,她学习成绩优异,成立了学习互助小组,为有需要的学生讲解问题、批改作业,督促他们按时、高质量地完成老师布置的学习任务,帮助学生进步。 。 作为班长,她经常组织同学参加志愿服务活动; 把自己读过的旧书送给偏远山区的孩子们; 组织义卖活动,并将义卖所得的善款以班级名义捐赠给慈善组织。






他是厦门市优秀少先队员,校园里一颗闪亮的明星。 “三好学生”、“文明学生”是他的名片。 多次代表学校参加比赛,获“新时代好孩子”主题教育朗读演讲比赛全国二等奖、厦门市“中小学读书演讲比赛”一等奖。金砖四国”。

演讲是徐逸辰的拿手好戏。 可以看到他主持学校的升旗仪式和大型活动。 尤其是在普法活动中,他用自己对宪法的朴素理解和真诚的信仰,充分发挥自己的演讲技巧,努力普及法律。 弘扬法治精神,彰显新时代青少年的使命和责任。

徐逸辰主动担任学校普法长廊的解说员,是学校普法的小守护者。 他经常协助老师组织“歌颂党”、“学雷锋争当好青年”、“宪法日,一起学宪法”等活动。 是福建省“蒲公英”普法志愿者代言人,参与拍摄2022年福建省宪法宣传片。

去年,在“学教宪法”演讲比赛中,他以福建省第一名的成绩脱颖而出,获得全国比赛资格。 在准备过程中,他深感责任重大,时刻不敢懈怠。 他经常利用课余时间阅读资料,学习宪法精神,认真润色演讲稿,严格训练自己的姿势。 最终获得省一等奖、全国比赛三等奖。 奖励表现良好。 他不断用实际行动验证和完善自己,通过不懈的努力去实现自己的理想。




2022年,在被誉为天文摄影界“奥斯卡”的格林威治年度天文摄影师大赛中,杨瀚文合作拍摄的仙女座星系照片《邻居》获得青年组世界冠军。 这张照片定格的不仅是动人的银河,还有中国青少年敢于追梦的青春光芒。

4岁时,杨汉文在丽江看到了他在城市里从未见过的银河,被璀璨的星空深深吸引。 进入小学后,他开始阅读大量有关天文学和星际科幻的作品。 他的天文摄影知识基本上是自学的:在网络上搜索大量知识,在社交平台上寻找志同道合的伙伴。 看电影和纪录片,看书学习天文理论,然后探索实践,开始拍摄……一路上困难重重,但收获满满。

星空与黑夜相伴厦门少儿主持人培训,所以拍摄宜在夜间进行。 晚上10点去天台拍照一直到凌晨四五点是很常见的。 冬天,刺骨的寒风让他的手僵硬,嘴巴也冻僵了。 这一切都无法抹去他对星星的热爱。 2021年,父母帮他将拍摄设备送到了云南一个偏远的天文摄影基地,他通过家里的电脑远程操作设备进行拍摄。 每天晚上,他至少要花半个小时调试设备,第二天起床的第一件事就是看天文相机。

因为杨瀚文心中有一个梦想,他透过城市光幕看到了亿万光年之外的风景。 他还为全国各地的学生天文爱好者成立了学习小组,希望让更多的人看到这美丽的风景。




阳光、自信、正直、善良,他不仅是学法普法的“小标兵”,更是创新制造的“发明家”。 凭借广泛的兴趣,他不断发展自己,在卓越的道路上不断前行。

2022年,杨千宁入选人民小学教育部第七届全国学生“学教宪法”活动后备队。 对于孩子来说,背诵枯燥的课文并灵活运用是一个难题。 但他凭着自己的坚韧和浓厚的兴趣坚持了下来。 他把相关材料做成小册子随身携带。 一有时间,他就读、背诵。 通过绘制思维导图,他加深了对法律条文的关联性和系统性的理解。 功夫不负有心人,他一路披荆斩棘,最终在厦门市比赛和福建省比赛中获得第一名和一等奖。 全国赛中,他克服了主观题视频上传的意外,冷静应对,战胜了另类。 问题中的异常点和难点。 最终,福建省队(厦门队)获得全国第一名。

杨干宁还对科学发明感兴趣。 2022年下半年,全球发明大赛邀请函发往人民小学。 他和朋友发明的作品《智能AI鱼菜共生基地》荣获全球发明大会ICW中国赛区二等奖、福建赛区二等奖。 其研究成果《做个“懒”农民——学校鱼菜共生基地种植经验》荣获厦门市2022年小学生研究性学习报告活动三等奖。




她是“厦门市优秀少先队员”、“福建省优秀少先队员”。 她热爱读书,兴趣广泛。 她擅长唱歌、跳舞、美术、书法。 她不断地通过各种爱好丰富自己。

程子轩几乎所有的业余时间都在读书,图书馆、书店是她流连的地方。 从小养成的读书习惯,培养了她出色的写作风格和深入的思维。 积极参加市、区组织的各类征文比赛,获市级奖2项、区级奖5项。 2020年,她的文章荣获“新时代好孩子”主题阅读大赛全国小学组一等奖; 文章《我想成为现在的你》荣获2022年“新时代好孩子·强国有我”主题教育活动市级“读书之星”省征文比赛二等奖; 《游泳池里的泼水节》荣获全国“青少年杯”征文比赛银奖。


作为湖里实验中学少先队队长,她不仅自己在书的海洋里遨游,还组织成立了周末“墨香读书会”,每周都有主题和读书任务。 在她的倡导下,学生们开始深入阅读、仔细思考、写读书笔记。 每个周日晚上,“墨香读书会”的书友们都会齐聚一堂,热情分享读书心得和时事感悟。 这也让越来越多的人感受到了阅读的魅力,让书成为了朋友。 努力学习,好好思考。




古韵散发国粹,梨园春芽绽放。 在戏曲竞美的“百花”中,有一个就是她——10岁的吴智英,曾两度获得中国儿童戏曲最高奖“小梅花”奖。

6岁时,吴智英第一次看到歌仔戏的表演就被深深吸引。 她学戏4年,每周练习6天,从未缺席演出。 戏曲表演所用的头饰很重,有的人一戴上就头疼、呕吐,但这对于特别能吃苦的吴智英来说不是问题。 从二年级到五年级,她参加了70余场各级比赛和表演,但她从不抱怨累。 2021年,参加第25届“中国儿童戏曲小梅花”活动,获得“小梅花”金奖; 2022年,在第26届“中国儿童戏曲小梅花”活动上,她与搭档表演的梨园戏《名品集》再次荣获“小梅花”奖。

小梅花初开,墙内外香气扑鼻。 走下舞台后,《小梅花》这部剧也“唱”进了生活。 吴智英创作的《疫情期间的温馨提醒》入选“并肩作战——福建省戏剧界抗疫作品展”; 协助教师赴厦门卫视录制宣传节目《童心去党,与我战疫》,将传统戏曲文化带入课堂《天空课堂》线上直播节目彰显责任与担当新时代的好青年。





5岁接受国际象棋启蒙,2019年厦门国际象棋少儿锦标赛获得冠军; 6岁在第四届全国象棋青少年象棋冠军赛中获得国家棋协候补大师称号,成为福建省最年轻的国家棋协候补大师; 7岁代表厦门市参加2020年全国计划单列市象棋精英赛,获得团体第三名、福建省青少年象棋省赛第二名……有空的时候,孙其欢就会跟棋。 其文章《我的象棋新起点》发表于《语文教学通讯》2021年特刊。

在国际象棋比赛中,他与超级人工智能“鳕鱼”交手无数次。 这激发了他对人工智能的兴趣。 自学人工智能和计算机知识仅一年后,他编写了一个集教学实用性和趣味性于一体的辅助程序。 2022年,获得世界机器人大会青少年机器人设计与信息素养大赛-APO算法编程设计专项赛福建省赛一等奖、全国赛一等奖; 蓝桥杯STEMA考试C++组全国竞赛冠军。 前1%的优秀学生将直接进入“2023蓝桥杯全国软件和信息技术专业人才大赛”全国赛。




思明区前铺社区厦门图书馆新馆的“4点30课”,为周边居民和外来务工人员子女提供公益课程服务。 这三年来,徐景轩放学后经常跑到这里。 在这里厦门铂之爵主持学院,她感受到了志愿者们的关爱。 在这里,她从接受者变成了帮助者,耐心引导孩子们读书、维护现场环境、帮忙整理各种书籍、打扫卫生。

“奉献”二字,深深地刻在了这个女孩的心里。 她是逸夫中学志愿者团队的核心成员,参与校园美化、垃圾分类、图书分类等各项志愿服务活动。 周末,中山公园、养老院等都是她的“根据地”。 一有时间,她就到公园参加“地上无垃圾”文明宣传活动,并带领其他青年志愿者开展服务; 她去养老院给老人表演文艺节目,陪他们听。 ,用实际行动爱护老人、尊重老人; 炎热的夏天,她给环卫工人和其他户外工作者带来清凉; 她热爱帮助残疾人,出行时与盲人牵手。 作为一名志愿者,她的妈妈很高兴:“以前是我照顾她,现在她可以带领自己的团队了。”

如今,徐静轩和家人已经从前埔搬到了另一个岛,但她和母亲仍然坚持每周至少一次到厦门新图书馆执勤,继续书写自己在厦门的志愿服务故事。 截至目前,徐敬轩的服务时间已达到253小时。




吴俊岑出生在一个充满爱的家庭。 我的父母来自农村,热心公益事业,坚持尽自己最大的努力去做有意义的事情。 在父母的影响下,吴俊岑同样热情。

2022年,他跟随支教队来到凉山州冕宁村友生小学开展英语支教活动。 为了激发当地学生学习英语的兴趣,吴俊岑和他的伙伴们探索各种英语教学资源,晚上备课、制作教具、设计教学内容、练习试讲,经常熬夜到凌晨。早晨。 就连他的母亲(一名教师)也对他和朋友们准备的课程感到惊讶。 值得一提的是,吴俊岑发现,当地一些贫困家庭并不重视教育。 他们主动联系村委会,走访学生家中,告诉对方家庭外面的世界有多大,学习有多么重要……活动结束后,吴俊岑和村民们互相留下了联系方式和联系方式。回到厦门后寄来了各种科目材料。 ,鼓励当地学生努力学习。


这并不是吴俊岑第一次为爱情远行。 2021年,吴俊岑跟随父亲走进青海玉树藏区,参与“爱心餐”公益项目。 在走访藏区贫困家庭后,他不仅亲自帮助解决了一名藏族孩子一年的营养餐问题,还动员合作伙伴参与其中。

他的热情无处不在。 为了解决夏季餐厨垃圾造成的二次污染问题,他发明了“家用餐厨垃圾处理器”,并荣获第34届厦门市青少年科技创新大赛三等奖。




Since joining the school's Gezi Opera Club in the second grade, Zhang Sihan has quickly grown into a main player in the club with her love for southern Fujian opera and unremitting efforts, winning many awards in various competitions at all levels.

When learning opera, the most important thing is to like it, and the most important thing is to persist. Zhang Sihan has both. The monotonous and boring basic skills training did not scare her away; during the lotus leaf rap training, she held on to the straight bars and cymbals weighing several kilograms in her hands, sweating and tears; she wore the opera boots that did not fit well. After a while, blisters appeared on her feet. She said, "I'll get used to it." Hard work paid off, and she finally became the "little drama star" in the club. In 2021, his lotus leaf rap "The Door to the Sea" performed by him won the third prize in the 4th Fujian Provincial Folk Art "Dangui Award" Children's Competition.

She is also a junior teacher in the club and a good helper to teachers. Before the club class, she took the initiative to lead the small group members to practice basic skills, share and provide guidance in aspects such as movements and eyesight; after the club activities, she stayed silently to help organize costumes, props, etc.

While studying, she felt the charm of southern Fujian traditional culture and shared this beauty with others. She actively participated in the "I am a Little Inheritor" series of activities organized by the Tong'an District Cultural Affairs Center, and won the honorary title of "I am a fan of Gezi Opera". She and her friends went into the nursing home to perform, allowing the elderly to feel the love from the younger generation in the local music and nostalgia.

Cai Siyan

Grade 6, Dadeng Central Primary School, Xiang'an District, Xiamen City

A young practitioner of the spirit of "Three Heroic Islands"

Cai Shiyan was born in Dadeng Island, one of the "Three Heroic Islands". As one of the main battlefields of the "Kinmen Artillery Battle", Dadeng Island emerged from batches of militia heroes. The old people on the island often sit together and talk about those unforgettable red memories. Whenever this happens, Cai Shiyan sits quietly aside and listens carefully. Influenced by red stories time and time again at her doorstep, the "Three Heroic Islands" spirit of "hard work, willingness to contribute, and not being afraid of sacrifice" penetrated into her heart and inspired her to continue to explore and move forward. After walking out of the island, she walked into Jinggangshan and Zunyi accompanied by her parents. In the process of observing objects and listening to history, she remembered her revolutionary ancestors and understood the revolutionary spirit.

Cai Shiyan deeply understands that everyone can write their own story of the times and life chapter in their own way. She chose her own way - study hard and enrich herself with knowledge; during festivals, she would accompany the elderly in making glutinous rice balls, guessing lantern riddles, and making rice dumplings; she developed various interests and hobbies, and enriched her extracurricular activities with dance, piano, guzheng, technology, football, etc. Life. She won the national second prize in the primary school group of the "Gutian Meeting Site" scene design and production competition in the "Red Heart to the Party and Educate People with Ingenuity" red theme series model education competition for the centenary of the founding of the Party. She won the national second prize in the primary school group of the "Gutian Meeting Site" scene design and production competition. Won the third prize in the "Ningde" guided missile frigate model escort competition in the championship event.

Chen Weiyang

Grade 2, Xiamen Jimei Middle School

Red Culture Little Lecturer

Nourished by Jiageng's spirit, the red seeds in Chen Weiyang's heart took root and sprouted, inspiring her to continue to follow the glorious footsteps of her ancestors and tell red stories in her own way.

From Changting to Ruijin, Ganzhou, Jinggangshan, Changsha, Yan'an, etc., she re-walked the Long March, staying in a Red Army village, eating Red Army meals, and listening to Red Army stories... Difficulties such as altitude sickness and long-distance walking never stopped her. The red study reports "Pursuit" and "Red Youth China Pride" record every growth of her thoughts; the essay "Family and National Conditions, Passed on from Generation to Generation" won the first prize of the 2020 Xiamen Learning Platform "Patriotism·Strong Country·Serving the Country" theme essay competition The award-winning poem tells the story of young aspirations; the certificates she won in provincial, municipal, and national recitation competitions bear witness to her original intention to unswervingly deliver positive energy.

Keep it in your heart and put it into practice. She and her classmates formed a Kah Kee propaganda group, and sang the spirit of Kah Kee in the memorial hall; at class meetings, at the radio station, and under the national flag, she actively shared her experiences of re-walking the Long March; on campus, she cared about ethnic minorities classmates, letting them feel the warmth of the Chinese family; in the community, she is a member of the "Volunteer Red" and regularly donates her pocket money to the Houpu Community Non-Government Charity Library for the purchase of red books; she participates in starring in Xiamen City The Public Security Bureau's anti-fraud propaganda films "Daughter's Diary" and "Rebirth" won the Ping An China Outstanding Film Award and contributed to the promotion of the rule of law.

Ke Yunchen

Grade 3 of Xiamen Shuangshi Middle School Haicang Affiliated School


A tenacious young table tennis boy

The flying ping-pong balls are the brilliant flowers in his little world, and the small ping-pong table is the big stage in his childhood. Ever since he fell in love with table tennis in the middle class of kindergarten, Ke Yunchen has been sweating for this love and reaping joy.

In the early days of training, the tiger's mouth on his right hand was often bruised and bleeding. The blood stuck to the racket, and the pain could be imagined, but even so, he never cried out in pain or pain. When he entered elementary school, his training time was shortened. In order to practice table tennis well, he went out early and came back late every day. It is common for an action to be repeated tens of thousands of times. With such persistence, Ke Yunchen developed solid basic skills, knocked on the door of various competitions at all levels, and won many provincial and municipal table tennis championships.

In July 2022, Ke Yunchen will participate in two provincial competitions and one municipal competition within a week. For the 8-year-old, this was an unprecedented challenge. However, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and Ke Yunchen won an amazing "three consecutive championships". It is worth mentioning that these three games all came back from defeat after falling behind significantly at the beginning - their calm mentality and strong ability to withstand pressure are evident. His outstanding performances time after time also allowed him to be officially selected into the National Table Tennis Children's Training Team. This tenacity on the field was brought to his studies, and every second counts in both training and studying.

The body of this little table tennis boy contains the majestic power of sportsmanship. Every struggle today is a vivid footnote that will add color to life and sports tomorrow.

Huang Ruiyi

Grade 9, Wuxian Middle School, Xiamen

The Little Guardian of Millennium Nanyin

Attracted by the melodious tunes, moved by the story of "Chen Sanwu Niang", and shocked by the moving tunes of the pipa, dongxiao and flute, the girl met the "living fossil of music" and has since then firmly embarked on the road of inheriting the culture of southern Fujian.

When she first learned about Nanyin, Huang Ruiyi used her spare time to collect knowledge about Nanyin, understand the stories behind each aria, and worked hard to sing the charm of the music. After class, she repeatedly understood the charm of the tune; at home, she refined every word, every note, every rhyme, and every tune under her mother's strict guidance. From a stiff voice to a soft and graceful voice, her persistence has achieved excellence.

As she grew older, her interest in Nanyin turned into her responsibility and mission to inherit and promote the traditional culture of southern Fujian. Under the guidance of her school teachers, she joined the Nanyin training class at the Tong'an District Cultural Center, squeezed in time to watch professional performances by the Xiamen Nanyin Orchestra, and participated in urban singer competitions and municipal Nanyin summer camps. After continuous improvement, Huang Ruiyi has won the title of "Top Ten Singer" in the Xiamen Nanyin Competition for two consecutive years.

In order to let more people experience the charm of Nanyin, Huang Ruiyi actively participated in various charity performances and enthusiastically spread knowledge about Nanyin to his peers. "Nanyin grew up with me, which made me feel the infinite charm of Chinese culture, and also brought me to a higher and bigger stage." Huang Ruiyi said that she will continue to learn with admiration and pass on the excellence of southern Fujian through actions. culture and promote traditional Chinese culture.

Lin Huanran

Grade 4, Primary School Affiliated to Xiamen Foreign Languages ​​School

"Small microphone" that uses sound as a medium

On stage, Lin Huanran is a "little golden microphone" in the eyes of people around him, with his calm and elegant voice and his witty remarks. Many people don't know that he didn't speak until he was 3 years old. From a "silent" cute baby to a confident-minded young man, Lin Huanran used his unyielding hard work to create a "renewed" self.

Because he spoke slowly, he was once thought to be "mute". Later, even when he opened his mouth, he stuttered when he spoke. However, he made up his mind to change, getting up early and working late every day, practicing his tongue, pronunciation, mouth shape, and body movements in front of the mirror, and finally turned his disadvantage into an advantage.

He insists on using voice as a medium to tell red stories and convey the positive energy of civilization. Lin Huanran won the title of "Recitation Star" in multiple "Cao Can Cup" youth recitation competitions; won the gold medal in the "Campus Star" national youth artistic style display event; participated in the Central Conservatory of Music's National Youth Arts for many times Performed and won the gold medal in the national competition; performed outstandingly in the "Love Ice and Snow, Welcome the Winter Olympics" national youth ice and snow theme promotion activity, and was commended by the Winter Sports Management Center of the State Sports General Administration; participated in the filming of public welfare videos such as Tencent's "Two Cancer Prevention", Spread health knowledge.

He also challenged the Hokkien dialect and humbly learned from the inheritors of Da Zui Gu. He is diligent and hardworking, even practicing talking in his sleep. In the third grade, Lin Huanran was able to recite the charm of classic poems in authentic Minnan dialect. His drum work "Anti-Drug Hero Lin Zexu" was featured on Xiamen Satellite TV's "Dou Zhen Talks About Ancients" column.

"A good boy in the new era"

It is to carry forward the new trend of the times

Striving to be an advanced model for the newcomers of the era

Shows the enthusiasm and enterprising spirit of contemporary teenagers

Vibrant mental outlook

Young people should follow their example

learn from them

Thumbs up for the good young man of the new era!

铂之爵主持学院优势: 1.播音、商务、婚礼、讲师、超级演说,五门课程全覆盖,只收一个课程的费用; 2.课程是一次缴费终生学习,可免费复训; 3.学生毕业后颁发结业证书并安排主持单实战,优秀者有机会进入学院其*工程团队培养或者安排就业; 4.五大课堂学习:酒店大班课堂、线下面授课堂、1一对一特训课堂、课外观摩课堂; 5.课程时间灵活,周末课和非周末课: 6.课程周期是2个月,理论和实战占比3:7,并会不断升级课程内容; 7.雄厚的师资队伍可对接外部酒店、活动公司、企业商学院资源给学生立体化的学习实战;。